Monday, July 26, 2010

Hannig Adventures

Gracee had so much fun while we were gone to New York and Vermont!! Each day she got to play with Grandma and a different friend came to pick her up to play. Here's the rundown:

Wednesday - Thursday

Gracee went to the park with Rosie.

We took a red eye trip to Vermont.

see our red eyes??
That day we went to Joseph Smith's birthplace and then did a stake missionary fireside. We got to give out free CD's to everybody afterwards.

Gracee played with her cousins at Aunt Jenn's house. My mom said she was so excited when she dropped her off and clearly had so much fun!

As you can see, Russ was the trip clown. Though it was very tiring for him, I think he enjoyed his "role".

We drove to Fayette, NY where we saw the Whitmer farm and then did a performance at a local girls camp.

a. We got to mingle with the girls before and after the performance, it was really cool. That night we all played Pictionary at the hotel in a big conference room--very fun.
Gracee played with Kimberlee, they went swimming at her neighborhood pool. They had so much fun together!

We went to went to see the Grandin Printing Press and did a session at the Palmyra temple and then to the Hill Cumorah pageant that night--such a powerful day!


Gracee played with Pam after church this day. They went for a walk to the park.

We went to church and had a lovely picnic and then to the Sacred Grove for several hours. This was definitely a highlight of the trip. We had a testimony meeting at the top of Hill Cumorah. Then we had a BBQ at our host family's house.


Gracee got to play with Heather and Nora in the morning and the she got to swim with Lee in the afternoon!

This is the day we made our trek home. Though it was mainly uneventful, there were some fun things like people doing the worm and Russian dancing at the airport. And I got to share my testimony and a Book of Mormon with a really sweet girl from Taiwan on the plane ride home.


morinsqueen said...

It was hard for Gracee and I but your "ward family" and family helped so much. I really appreciated the help, since I am not up to much right now. I love the stories you shared when you came home. It made me want to go there myself.