Bear with us as we try to get more techno-savvy on this blog!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Favorite babysitter and Big girl with bottle
Posted by Susie Faye at 8/14/2009 12:06:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: videos
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Happy 10 months Gracee Girl!
What scampers, scavengars, scrunches her nose and is sweet all over???Our Gracee girl!!! On July 30th she turned 10 months.

Posted by Susie Faye at 8/09/2009 12:25:00 AM 2 comments
Labels: Milestones
Friday, August 7, 2009
New little additions...

Posted by Susie Faye at 8/07/2009 12:02:00 AM 5 comments
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Holy catch up time!!!

we celebrated the holiday weekend with family, so fun! This is us with Star's family at the Scera pool. Cuties! We all tried to wrestle and dunk Star in the pool, but as usual, he was inconquerable!! We also got shave ice afterward!We took Gracee to the Provo 4th of July Parade. It was pretty hot, but I insisted because these types of holiday events are so much more fun with kids. We also met up again with the Hall's there.
That evening, we met over at the "Hannig compound" for our annual dutch oven night! (Incidentally, I love those red capris! I found them second hand when I was 20, my mom made them into capris for me. Russ doesn't care much for them, so I hardly ever wear them. When I was wearing them that day, he asked me about them--I told him it was the 4th! I can wear any crazy patriotic thing I want!)
Okay, so I realize this is very blurry, but this head tilt thing is to die for! It's Gracee's new thing! And just a couple days ago, she started sticking out her tongue over and over again when she does it. I laugh so hard every time. Where does she get this stuff??
Gearin' up for her first firework show!
Ah, our first 4th!
Happy Birthday Star! When my Dad and Di came to town, we had a blast. We all met at Star's for a BBQ to celebrate his birthday. Schuyler and Gracee are learning how to be playmates.
One of my favorite things to do with dad is bike riding. We did the Provo Canyon route...
Steve loves walking the route so he met up with us. Doesn't he look so handsome?
Though I was leaving for girls camp his last morning with me, we squoze in one more ride, this time we did the Provo trail down to the lake. We felt so adventuresome!
Though I missed my angel babe and sweet husband, girls camp was A BLAST!! I had to pump the whole time I was there, but it was worth it, I really enjoy serving in the YW organization. I see it, like the relief society, as a bond of womanhood and strength completely unmatched anywhere.
I was so surprised by how much I missed Russ!
But don't worry, he came my last night there with the bishopric, this is the only pic I have to prove you see him there in the corner? Pioneer day was great. People all have work off and everything here! Me and my friend 'Pamela Joy' ran the Pioneer Day run in Provo--she's a hoot! I just love her.
Then me and Russ got to go on Sea Doos with our good friend and babysitter, Kenzie Harmon. Other than completely screwing up my neck, RE-bruising my tailbone, and some 'back seat driving' by you-know-who (!) IT WAS A TOTAL BLAST! No seriously, I want to do it again. I really had fun, in all honesty.
Posted by Susie Faye at 8/04/2009 09:55:00 PM 3 comments
Labels: family fun, holidays