Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A little fresh air never hurt anyone

So Gracee got hurt on the stairs and the only sense of recourse was some brisk afternoon air...

not sure how to react to snowball throwing..

little lady

I feel so much better.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

"That Stage"

Gracee is such a little stinker! I kept noticing that the foil on the window in her room kept wearing out and her room kept getting lighter and lighter each morning...she's been sleeping in less and less. I went to go repatch it today and found THIS handful of foil delight on the floor!
Funny, because I had just gotten off the phone with a friend who wisely warned, "Careful, she's at 'that stage'!"

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Russ and I just watched the scenes of Haiti and wanted to know how to help. We found this article from Time Magazine:,28804,1953379_1953494_1953528,00.html?iid=tsmodule

We then went to the Red Cross Twitter account: On this page it explains that you can donate $10 just by texting 90999 with the word "Haiti". It gets added to your phone bill.

Also UPS is shipping anything under 50lbs. for free to Haiti. Clothes, Shoes, etc.

What an easy way to reach out to those in desperate times. Thanks for reading.

Friday, January 1, 2010


So I know every child has their favorite strange toy...I've heard lots of stories. I've never thought thought too much about Gracee loving, cords, scarves, purse straps and remote controls, I just figured it's typical. But the other day as I was wrestling with her to get her into her carseat--impeded by a remote and an ICE CUBE TRAY--I thought, "This can't be normal!!"
Here is just one small example: