No, it's not how it sounds. Me and Russ didn't get married to each other twice and we don't have two 5th anniversaries. But we did celebrate our 5th twice...sort of. Last year we decided to take a cruise with our friends, Jason and Kenz, and call it our 5th anniversary trip. It was aout 8 months early though, but we knew/hoped I'd be pregnant when the real thing rolled around so we wanted to go when I wasn't pregnant. But me being the sentimental FOOL (that was for you mom!) I am, we decided to have a little getaway on the real day too.Our "first celebration" of five years...just a little early! --summer 2010
Carnival Splendor Mexican Riviera (yes the one that got stranded a few months later with some other poor travelers...luckily it wasn't us!) Doesn't Russ look SO HANDSOME here??? Just admit it!
Just a little brisk xc skiing at Soldier Hollow, just minutes away from our Bed and Breakfast, Invited Inn. It was fantastic! Russ doesn't love the concept of doing something active amdist nature (whatever the weather conditions) the way I do but he still enjoyed getting out and doing something different...he said so=)
dinner at Snake Creek Grill in Heber. Russ's meal had blue cheese on it (eckh!)...they coded it in the description by calling it gargonzola!! Apparently neither me or Russ are familiar with cheese lingo, cuz we both hate blue cheese and didn't realize that his dish would be COATED in it! It was pretty icky. But we both like my salmon!
Our first date was on a drive up to Heber where we went to Dairy Keen. We love going on drives together and talking or playing name that tune with the radio. So after Russ's unsettling meal, he decided to get full on a sentimental Dairy Keen treat instead of a good meal!
Then I surprised him by taking him to Midway Ice Castles, also minutes away from our fantastic bed and breakfast. It was such an amazing display of creativity and originality! You should check it out, if you are local. Here are just a couple of many amazing pics we captured.
I gave him a note for each day for 5 days preceding our anniversary. They were all little clues on what fun thing we were doing that day. (I'll do a post on that later). This was the clue for the anniversary day. The quote is from the website for the ice castles, and I thought it perfectly described our relationship.
On the day of our anniversary my prince gave to me...
the most beautiful moment of my life at 1:40pm on the most sunny and warm winter day we had seen yet that year. You have also given me a relationship that is beautiful because of its "ever-evolving nature." That is why tonight I am taking you to a structure that is beautiful for those same reasons.
I love you sweetheart, happy 5th anniversary!