I wish you could tell how amazingly cute they both looked this day. Trust me. |
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Where have the Hannigs gone ?
Posted by Susie Faye at 7/12/2012 03:41:00 PM 1 comments
Monday, March 5, 2012
Joey Joey Baby!

Posted by Susie Faye at 3/05/2012 08:19:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Joey
Thursday, December 1, 2011
A fallen crown...
This is about as classic as it gets, sure it may just look like an ordinary picture of gracee dressing up. It is so much more than that... note the many rings, the "lapstick" in her right hand that she loves to rub all over her face, note the carefully placed bracelets, the dora pj's that she insists on wearing even though they have grown too snug, note the red sparkly shoes from aunt pam that she insists on wearing without socks and gets them stinky, just like many of her other shoes she has ruined with that permanent stench. (we keep confiscating them from her when we find her wearing them without socks), and last but not least the earrings and crown. The earrings actually really hurt her earlobes, but she thinks they look so pretty that she puts them on anyway and just endures the pain for as long as she can take it. Each time she brings them to me to put them on, she says, "but they won't hurt!" As if, to talk herself out of the pain the pinch brings.When she would wear this crown she would come up to me and say, "I'm a princess." My line back is, "Why hello princess Gracee!" and then I kiss her hand. Well, one day she was really upset about something and without even skipping a beat she tore the crown off and bent it in her rage. She heard it snap and discovered that she had broken her crown. Her mark of deity, the sign of her refined, high class status...GONE. Just like that. Of course she made several futile attempts to get scotch tape and try to get me to fix it. She even tried the ol' instant gratification route: "but we'll buy a new one!!!???" Me: "No Gracee, it doesn't work that way. "
Posted by Susie Faye at 12/01/2011 10:10:00 PM 2 comments
Labels: Gracee
Friday, November 11, 2011
Posted by Susie Faye at 11/11/2011 04:51:00 PM 2 comments
Labels: holidays
(My journal entry from today...sorry if it's a downer, just being honest)
Pretty cool huh? The date won't look that cool again until next year on December 12th!!!
What a rough week. This may be my hardest week as a mom yet. Both kids have been sick all week, and now Russ too. I have been trying to spend a lot of good time with Gracee so she wouldn't notice what a cooped up week it's been. Yesterday I wasn't able to do as much because I had to take care of miserable Joey EVERY second of the day. He was feverish and sore from a shot the day before and wouldn't even let me put him down. Gracee has been acting out and disobeying every second she can think of something to disobey about ever since. I texted Russ today and told him that I've totally forgotten how to be a good mother and that I hope I don' t scar Gracee for life. He took it as a joke, but I was mostly serious. My patience runs so thin after 6 grueling days of this. I wish I could say I've already learned how to take things in stride and not let things get to me, but I'm not there yet. I dug deep so many times today for inner strength and prayed a bunch. I know this is the most important work I can be doing right now, so I really am interested in doing it right...well, as right as I can muster anyway.
Thanks for listening.
Posted by Susie Faye at 11/11/2011 04:49:00 PM 3 comments
Labels: rants
Friday, October 7, 2011
My friend Maddie
This is my first time attempting to write in my journal from my phone, one-handed while I am nursing...
Today is the year anniversary of madison's death. Throughout this week, I've mainly thought of marnie and paige.but today I'm mostly thinking about maddie. I'm thinking about what life must be like for her right now. Some people die when they are old, some when they are sick.others die when they are full of life and abundantly joyful, this was our maddie.
when the sick or the old are released from this life, my mins usually goes to how much happier they are. But with maddie, my thoughts are led to think about how much more AFFECTIVE she is where she is at. I imagine she is so busy doing good, that this year had absolutely flown by for her!
I also find myself thinking about all the time she's been there with marnie and paige to help them in ways they don't even realize.
She was radiant on earth, it's hard to imagine how much more radiant she is now.
I miss her so much.every time I have those thoughts, my heart pains for paige and marn.we do a lot of fun things with them like game nights and stuff. It really does my heart good to see them laugh and have fun.tonight a bunch of us are going to do a madison date. We are having dinner at wendy's and going to play laser tag-things she would've loved. It will be good.
To Maddie, thanks for the exceptional person you were and for all the amazing work you are must surely engaged in at this time. We love and miss you.
Posted by Susie Faye at 10/07/2011 04:07:00 PM 2 comments
Labels: friends
Monday, September 12, 2011

Posted by Susie Faye at 9/12/2011 09:12:00 AM 4 comments