Sunday, February 21, 2010

can I toot my own horn for a minute?

Baklava is one of my favorite dishes--tired of trying to find it and tired of paying an arm and a leg for it when I do! So I've learned to make it. This was day old boring rice that I didn't know what to do with, so I veggied-it-up, added some olive oil and spices and voila mexican rice side dish! It was really good too..

I kept meaning to go get M&M's or something to put in this dish for the month of February, but decided roasted almonds would be just as fun and way better for you! People have loved them! I've had to refill the dish 3 times!
Something I love to do is take recipes and adapt them "Susie style"-- That usually means lots of veggies. This one is the inside "meat mixture" for enchiladas. I put asparagus, onions, red peppers, and spinach. Oh and that's ground turkey instead of ground beef. They turned out really yummy!
My mother-in-law is making a sign for our my kitchen that says: "Susie's Bistro..lengthening lives one meal at time". I truly have found one of my greatest passions.


Lisa said...

Toot away. I love when people have a healthy life style.

Heather Whitworth said...

You go girl!!!

morinsqueen said...

You are so amazing Sus.

Lauren said...

Look at you! You are so cool--making these great dishes and all. I think I'd like to take lessons from you!

Tanya Leigh said...

Woohoo! That's awesome stuff there, girlie girl.

... my sign would probably say: "Tanya's Kitchen - is it easy to make? I'll do it!" ... or something to that effect. ;)

But I really do try to keep things healthy. Not lots of oil, salt, or sugar - I just hate using more than one pan's all. ha!