I got the idea from my brother, Scotty to celebrate my birthday for a whole week! What a great idea! I figured my 30th was a great year to start. Here are some of the things we did at random times in the day, whenever we could fit them in:
My birthday week started with a family dinner at the Hannigs for me and our niece, Emrie. My sis-in-law made me brownies with nuts-my fav! Thanks Ryanne!
Went to dinner
(Russ must REALLY love me to do this every year!)
Thx for the lunch Kenz! What a sweetie.
Went to Timpanogos story telling festival
Went to WAFFLE CONE Wednesday at TCBY and took cute pix of Gracee playing at the mall
Watched episodes of The Closer

Had a game night!!
Went and did a temple session together
Did and FHE at Discovery park with the Smiths with homemade ice cream, yum! Thanks Kenz!
My friend, Kim, threw me a shin dig at Kenzie's house where we dressed up from the eras that I've been alive in. (ok, I confess...we cheated and included the 70's! The 70's are irresistible!)
Isn't Russ's tough face so cute here?
Thanks Kim and Kenz, you guys rock! So do those "mom jeans" Kenz is wearing..yes!

The most touching thing ever, I was completely blown away--Kenzie made me a book with a bunch of people who'd responded to her with "30 things they love about Sus". I cried when I opened it and realized what it was and all the people who responded. I was so deeply touched by everybody's words. I will cherish it always. I know I will read it during low times in my life and be lifted and reminded of what amazing people grace my life. Thank you so much Kenzie and everybody who was able to add to the book!