OKAY KIDS, HOW MANY THINGS CAN YOU FIND WRONG IN THIS PICTURE??? (hint: items in picture are: pacifier, cough syrup, scrub brush, dirty diaper, and a fooder scraper offer thingie) Answer at bottom of post...
So why is it that mine and Russ's house never 'shines' unless we're expecting company?? (BTW, anyone that can name the quote this title is from wins a prize...)
I have been doing a lot of cleaning, side projects, and dejunking this week. Whenver I get in hyper-focus mode, the small details get a little overlooked. Hence, the huge health hazard I saw before my eyes yesterday morning (see above photo). I was alarmed at first when I came upon the scene, but then I just laughed and HAD to take a picture! Seriously, I have a hard time keeping up with the house with only ONE child! I SO admire all of those moms in my life who have more than one child, and some several! And to all of those moms out there who have it mastered and manage to have your house clean all the time even when unexpected visits occur...I say to you--We all know you secretly hire a maid! We are just being polite by not unveiling your secret. You know who you are. Just to keep the peace I won't mention any names...
(Answers: Oh I don't know...if the unopened cough syrup being next to the dirty diaper wasn't enough, we went ahead and threw in the pacifier, scrubber and food scraper just to make things exciting around here.)