One of my favorite callings so far, I am a Laurel Advisor. I love the YW. Our ward YW are really great about not having tons-o-drama and not being too cliquey=) It was really hard to leave Gracee after having been on the crusie for a week--but I felt really good about going and I am glad that I did. I was able to get to know the other leaders a lot better
This is Maddie, she's a cutie and it was her birthday so I carried on my back for a mile of the hike!!! My hips were so bruised, but it was worth it.
some of my girls on the hike.
We got to go canoeing whenever we wanted because we were right by the lake! Nothing better than experiencing nature while getting a little workout!!
There was lots of lounging time this year...kind of nice.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
what I've been doing while I haven't been blogging vol. 3
Posted by Susie Faye at 6/30/2010 02:48:00 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
While I wasn't blogging Vol. 1
I have sort of dropped off the face of the blogging earth. I am sorry, for anyone who cares=). There have been a lot (and I do mean A LOT) of other things going on. For instance, I went to AZ for Morin's funeral. While I was there I saw my brother, Slade's, play. I also saw his daughter Briana's play.This is me and Bri about 4 years ago.

Posted by Susie Faye at 6/23/2010 02:33:00 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Morin--one good year

Every day that I have lived
I've had so much love to give.
Although - until you came along...
Somehow, giving it always felt wrong.
So I lived life in the way I knew -
Striving to be honest and true,
Busily bringing precious new lives to earth;
With wonder and awe at each new birth.
Then my life was twisted and turned -
I was victimized, battered and burned.
Through it all my spirit stayed true,
As I vowed there would never be anyone new.
As I awoke from the dark - something was amiss.
And then; our very first kiss - what bliss!
I had never a clue...but suddenly I knew!
The answer would be found in you!
A rather surprising combination;
Others have called it infatuation.
Yet what I longed for so silently,
You have offered to me completely.
A love so true, so deep, so strong;
One could search a whole life long
And endlessly hope, dream and wait
For that special missing link - a soul mate!
Someone to cherish, to hold, to love -
Who understands you as the angels above.
He sees the inside for what it is;
And loves you as though you were always his.
MORIN - you are that person for me.
You set my heart, mind and soul free
From the dark dungeons of loneliness,
Into a world of love, light and happiness.
I know our love will always see us through
No matter what it is that we must do;
Because as I have told you (and this is true)
Oh, yes! My love...My life truly began with you.
by Linda Jean Peterman 12-04-2003

Posted by Susie Faye at 6/16/2010 10:54:00 PM 7 comments